Editing a markdown file for a talk Welcome to my homepage, T♥ of sTrucTure!

About me

I am Jincheng Liu. I have expertise and knowledge in multi-domains, which include structural engineering, construction materials, earthquake engineering, fire safety engineering, artificial intelligence, and visual art (simply intuitive). Looking forward to working and collaborating with you! Together, let us engineer a better world and future!

Research Contribution

  • Propounded Unified fire-induced concrete spalling theory, and introduced a design concept of “three defense lines against fire-induced concrete spalling”, which can be applied in (1) UHPC structural system, (2) vital underground/submerged infrastructure, and (3) nuclear infrastructure.

  • Proposed knowledge-enhanced machine learning models to assess explosive spalling risk of concrete, which can be applied in (1) design of explosive spalling-free concrete, (2) assessment of explosive spalling risk of existing concrete, and (3) provide valuable input to Code/Standard/Guideline.

  • Improved fire resistance of normal strength Strain Hardening Cementitious Compsite (SHCC) or Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC), overcame explosive spalling tendency of Ultrahigh Performance Strain Hardening Cementitious Compsite (UHP-SHCC). Editing a markdown file for a talk


  • 提出了混凝土高温剥裂统一理论,发展了现代混凝土结构高温防劣化设计理念,为超高性能混凝土结构以及地下与水下重大混凝土基础设施防火设计提供了新思路。

  • 提出了知识增强型机器学习方法预测混凝土高温爆裂,该方法突破了混凝土高温爆裂预测的瓶颈,解决了传统数值模拟方法目前无法大规模高精度有效预测高温爆裂的难题。该方法有潜力用于既有混凝土结构高温爆裂风险评估,以及计划在建结构的混凝土材料防高温爆裂设计。

  • 提升了延性水泥基复合材料高温残余力学性能,揭示了不同纤维抑制或促进水泥基复合材料高温爆裂的机理,同时研发了无高温爆裂的超高强延性水泥基复合材料,为延性水泥基复合材料抗火性能提升做出了富有成效的先锋性贡献。

Editing a markdown file for a talk